Native Stories Podcast


Jordan Marie “Brings Three White Horses” Daniel on Murdered, Missing, Indigenous Women

She discusses her advocacy, the issue, and others that are doing great work today.
Native women living on tribal lands are murdered at an extremely high rate — in some communities, more than 10 times the national average. 4 percent of Canada’s female population — made up nearly 25 percent of its female indigenous homicide victims in 2012. .
From a post by @nativein_la:
In 2016, 5,712 cases of missing’s were documented by @urbanindianhealthinstitute & 116 of those cases were documented by the Department of Justice. Homicide is the 3rd leading cause of death & 84% of Native Women will experience violence in their lifetime. This isn’t right.
@sovereignbodies seeks to build on indigenous traditions of gathering data and knowledge transfer to create the first ever database to find our stolen:
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